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A80 Paris | Collect customer opinion and driving sales with Votap


Updated: Mar 21, 2022


A80 Paris is a hair beauty brand brings emerging Parisian lifestyle and innovation to their customers. They always look for innovative and immersive way to engage with their customers. Their great shop experience is famous for hair styling and teaching. Recently in Valentine’s Day, A80 Paris and Votap has co-hosted a “Best Hair Style Election” giveaway campaign for online promotion and market research.

Traditional giveaway challenges:

Traditional “Like, Comment and Share - Giveaway” campaign has proven to be a good method to increase number of followers quickly, but it also has some shortcomings:

1. Cannot drive sales

With an attractive prize, giveaway is an effective way to increase brand awareness and increase followers. However, people are here for the prize, so it is very unlikely to drive sales.

2. Difficult to collect REAL opinion and data

“Leave comment” is a typical required actions in giveaway campaign. Since people are here competing for the prize, it is difficult to receive “TRUE” comment and with their names displayed to everyone.

3. Expensive operation cost

A successful giveaway campaign could receive hundreds or thousands of entries from different platforms. It would need a lot of resource to read all the comments and manage all the entries.

4. Survey is too academic

Some companies would attach a survey in their marketing campaign to collect audiences’ feedback and contact. Typical survey services such as SurveyMonkey, Google Form are not design for marketing and social engagement. Their interfaces are not designed to display product images, videos and make them looks attractive.

Votap for giveaway:

1. Drive sales with instant reward

Votap has an Instant Reward and a Shop Now button direct to your shop to help you generate leads and drive sales. For A80 Paris, each voter is rewarded an exclusive 10% discount for A80 Paris online shop.

2. Speak anonymously

In Votap, we do not display people’s name and choice. This gives your potential customer a freedom to share their “TRUE” comment with you.

3. Real-time analysis

Votap is a one-stop platform helps you consolidate audiences’ opinion from different social platforms and analyse in real-time. A80 Paris and her voters can review the statistic in real-time. This enhances the engagement and fun of the campaign. A80 Paris can download the report anytime to reduce the time to handle data and manage all the contacts for lucky draw.

4. Social Media User Interface

Different from usual online survey, Votap is designed for multimedia. You can add and beautifully display your product image, GIF, video and URL to your cover, choices. A80 Paris has used GIF to showcase their hair makeup and make the campaign more appealing.


1. Received 250+ responses

In about one week time, A80 Paris has received more than 250 responses. The polling result has provided a good reference for them to personalize their marketing campaign in future.

2. 90% of respondents share their contact

A80 Paris is collecting customer contact for lucky draw and future marketing purposes. They can offer personalized coupons or discounts to drive repeat sales. Moreover, they can inform their customers for new product or shop announcement.

3. Approved ownership of customer data

Traditional giveaway campaign, audience participates via Facebook and Instagram. According to Facebook and Instagram policy, they would not share users’ info to any 3rd parties. Therefore, customer would need to contact the A80 Paris individually via messaging, which would greatly increase the time and cost. By using Votap question, customers’ info and contact are privately protected and only shared to A80 Paris.

With these data, A80 Paris can build their customer profile and database to develop new product and promotion campaign.


This Votap – Giveaway campaign has run successfully and overcome the shortcomings of giveaway campaign. It helped A80 Paris generate new leads, build their customer profile, and drive repeated sales. It is a good example of how Votap could be an all-rounded customer engagement platform to improve marketing, customer relationship, and revenue outcomes. Businesses can follow this strategy in using Votap to improve customer engagement, and collect different feedback according to different touch point, location, or persona.


To help you engage with your customer and understand them effectively. We would like to introduce you our “Votap 30 Days Free Trial Experience Program”. Votap is an online customer engagement platform to help you collect real-time customer feedback and boost sales.

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